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There are no guarantees that a handshake deal on such an expensive endeavor will pan out.

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Elon Musk Online Casino Canada

Elon Musk says that his Boring Company is coming to the East Coast.

On Thursday morning, Musk tweeted that he had received 'verbal government approval' to dig underground:

City center to city center in each case, with up to a dozen or more entry/exit elevators in each city

-- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 20, 2017

With The Boring Company, which he launched earlier this year, Musk intends to dig tunnels that could provide alternative routes for vehicles, potentially alleviating traffic in metropolitan areas. Musk has said the tunnels could also be used by the Hyperloop, his idea for a hypothetical magnetic train that can travel at 700 mph through vacuum-sealed tubes.

The entrepreneur has already begun digging under SpaceX's Los Angeles headquarters, and tweeted last month that he's had 'promising conversations' with mayor Eric Garcetti about building a network of tunnels under the city.

It's not clear how serious the verbal approval is at this point, nor who specifically gave it to build the East Coast route. But a handshake deal probably is unlikely to get very far, given the number of governing bodies that would need to sign off on such a project. And The Boring Company digging the tunnels doesn't necessarily mean the rail itself will get built: Estimates have put the cost of the Hyperloop at more than $100 million per mile.

Musk initially proposed the idea for the Hyperloop in 2013, but he hasn't been directly involved with the startups, such as Hyperloop One and Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, that are working to develop it.

Musk's tweet comes at a time when New York City is in the midst of massive transportation issues due to its centuries-old infrastructure. The 'Summer of Hell' has become a trending topic on social media in recent weeks, as commuters post photos of platforms overflowing with people and subway passengers riding between subway cars due to lack of room inside. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio have come under fire for doing little to address the problems.

Shortly after Musk's tweet, de Blasio's press secretary, Eric Phillips, responded to Musk's announcement with his own tweet suggesting the mayor knows nothing of the verbal approval.

This is news to City Hall. https://t.co/GmEm0b5C4i

-- Eric Phillips (@EricFPhillips) July 20, 2017

In response to a query from Inc., de Blasio's deputy press secretary, Ben Sarle, said via email, 'Nobody in City Hall, or any of our city agencies, has heard from Mr. Musk or any representatives of his company.'

Elon Musk Online Casino Canada

Musk then seemed to soften his earlier statement in subsequent tweets:

Still a lot of work needed to receive formal approval, but am optimistic that will occur rapidly

Elon musk early life-- Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 20, 2017

Inc. has reached out to the offices of Musk and Cuomo for comment and will update this post if they provide more information.

Editor's note: This story has been updated to include comment from Mayor Bill de Blasio's press office as well as subsequent tweets from Musk.

A year ago, Elon Musk and his Boring Company unveiled a 1.1-mile “testtunnel” under an area of Hawthorne, California, where Musk’s Space-X isheadquartered. The $10 million tunnel was a proof-of-concept for both tunnelingunder urban areas as well as Musk’s new ideas of what constitutes a mechanicalmole.

So, a “test tunnel” for what? For a series of high-speed transportationtunnels under Las Vegas, of course.

Several weeks ago, the board of directors of the Las Vegas Convention andVisitors Authority (LVCVA) approved an initial tunnel from the Strip to the LasVegas Convention Center (LVCC). The Strip station will be near the Drew, aresort hotel currently under construction on land previously occupied by theAlgiers Hotel and El Rancho Hotel and Casino.

Mechanical moles have been in use for decades, primarily on water and sewerprojects everywhere from Chicago to Mersin, Turkey. In fact, the Turks workingon that tunnel—part of a hydroelectric project—called the mechanical mole kabak oymak, which, roughly translated, means “tunneling zucchini.”

More recently, much larger mechanical moles (the originals were between 12and 15 feet in diameter) have built transportation tunnels, including the famedChannel Tunnel that runs 31 miles under the English Channel and serves as aquick way to get from London to Paris or vice versa. Incidentally, eleventunnel-boring machines (or TBMs, as the engineers refer to mechanical moles;tunnel stiffs—the workers who do the tunneling—simply call it a mole) were usedto construct the Chunnel. The moles used for the rail tunnels were 25 feet indiameter, while the service tunnel was created with 16-foot moles.

For the past few decades, mechanical moles have resembled flat-nosed bullets(if a bullet could be 15 feet in diameter, that is). The entire mole is manyfeet in length, but the digging part is confined to the first five or six feet.Back from the head are grippers—metal “feet” that press against the curved sideof the tunnel to hold the mole in place while hydraulic thrusters slowly pressthe rotating head into the earth. The head of the mole is fitted with amultitude of two-hundred-pound “bits” that slowly grind away the earth and rockahead.

The bits are positioned so that the entire vertical surface is etched awayand is efficiently removed. Built into the boring head are large vents thatremove the excavated dirt and deposit it on a thick conveyor belt that runstoward the back of the mole, where a line of “muck cars” await to haul it away.

Although the dirt-and-rock waste (tunnel stiffs call it muck) created by thedigging has been used in the past to reclaim land from the sea (as was the casewith the Chunnel’s muck), The Boring Company plans to use the dirt and rockcreated during the digging to make bricks and pavers. The day may come that LasVegas residents hold barbeques on patios made from the recycled-dirt pavers fromElon Musk’s tunnels.

How Will the Las Vegas Tunnel Work?

The tunnel will serve as an underground freeway populated entirely byautonomous electric vehicles (AEVs) that can carry passengers at speeds of up to155 miles per hour. Currently, the AEVs used in other TBC tunnels are TeslaModel X and Model 3 vehicles modified to carry up to 16 passengers, so it islikely that these will be the same vehicles used for the Las Vegas project. TheLVCC project is expected to be completed by January of 2021. Use of the LVCCportion of the system will be free of charge.

Elon Musk Early Life

Musk and TBC have even bigger plans for Las Vegas, including a proposedextension of the LVCC tunnel to the Strip.

And the tunneling wouldn’t end there. Proposals already exist to build a muchlonger tunnel running thirty or forty feet beneath—and mirroring the routeof—Las Vegas Boulevard, all the way from the Fremont Street Experience indowntown Las Vegas to the south end of the Strip and even beyond. There’s even aproposal to build a tunnel that would branch off to carry passengers to McCarranInternational Airport.

But for now, construction will be limited to that portion of the proposedtunnels that transects the LVCC campus. The tunnel will serve to move peoplefrom the Convention Center’s new Exhibit Hall to the existing North/CentralHall—shortening a 15-minute walk (in Las Vegas heat) to a couple of minutes’ride in air-conditioned comfort.

How Old Is Elon Musk

According to reports, the estimated cost of the one-and-a-quarter-mile tunnelin Las Vegas is in the neighborhood of $52 million.